
Members of The Grey Book Team have written some essays to serve as a resource for understanding and contextualizing the contents of Reiki: The Grey Book on this web site. When viewed apart from the original volume, printed as a book in 1982, it is easy for the materials in The Grey Book section of this web site to appear as separate and unconnected historical documents. Our hope is to preserve the original context of the printed volume.

Historical Perspectives

A Powerful Force – Brian Brunius writes about his motivation to reprint Reiki: The Grey Book and put it online for the world to see.

The “Grey Book” and Reiki History – Read Dr. Justin Stein’s historical perspective on Reiki: The Grey Book. Learn about the context surrounding its creation and the Masters who received it first.

A Little Story about the Grey Book – Paul Mitchell shares about his payments for Master training, and how unbeknownst to him they funded the original printing of Reiki: The Grey Book.

The Mystery of Spiritual Lineage– Joyce Winough writes about the passing of spiritual lineage from one generation to the next, and Alice Takata Furumoto’s important role in the passing of the lineage from Hawayo Takata to her granddaughter, Phyllis Lei Furumoto.

Living Into The Unknown – Susan Mitchell writes about Johannes Reindl, and the four words that changed his life. Glimpse the process of succession and see how lineage lives and breathes within this tradition.