Takata’s Diary Entries

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Dec. 10 1935

Meaning of “Leiki” Energy within oneself, when concentrated and applied to patient, will cure all ailments. It is nature’s greatest cure, which requires no drugs. It helps in all respects, human & animal life. In order to concentrate one must purify one’s thoughts in words & in thoughts & to meditate to let the “energy” come out from within. It lies in the bottom of your stomach about 2 in. below the navel. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, concentrate on your thoughts & relax, close your hands together & wait for the sign. Kindly & gentley apply the hands starting from heand [1] downward. The patient who is about to receive this treatment must, purify one’s thoughts, feel comfortable and a desire to get well. One must not forget to feel grateful. Gratitude is a great cure for the mind. In all cases, the patient could be diagnosed just by the touch of hand.

April 2nd 1936

Father was sick from cold and tired.  Gave him treatments and he was able to take exam on the 7th and back to Kauai on the 10th. After seeing them off, came back ok with Julia to Mrs. Hayashi’s home. They were so nice and begged me to stay with them so from that night on I am staying here. This must have been my real lucky day as I come to think. I have gained so much knowledge in line of treatments that I found myself taking patients naturally. Went to cure the two girls of Baron Toku 2 days and they were cured, Mrs Harazawa at Keio Hospital, every night at 7:30 p.m. – treatment for after operation – finds it very good and fast recovery. At the home office patients began to increase ever since I came

May 1936
April 1936

to them, it makes me feel good & very encouraging. What was more than pleasing was that Mr. Hayashi has granted to bestow upon me the secrets of Shinpi Den, Kokiyu-Ho & the Leiji-Ho, the utmost secret in the Energy Science.

Know one can imagine my happiness to think that I have the honor & respect to be treated with this gift — a gift of a life time & I promised within me to do my utmost in regard to this beautiful wonderful teaching that I just received. I shall promise to do what is right thru sincereness and kindness and shall regard and respect the teaching and its teacher with utmost reverence and respect.

March 29, 1937

The Law of Karma, so true according the teachings, when we meet, it is the beginning of parting.

Historical Perspectives

To learn more about the context for these diary entries and the techniques Takata describes here, see Dr. Justin Stein’s essay, “The ‘Grey Book’ and Reiki History.

Historical Note

[1] The text above transcribes Takata’s words exactly, including spelling mistakes. Regarding this ambiguity, which some read as ‘head’ and others as ‘heart,’ Dr. Justin Stein writes, “I’ve become convinced that it’s not “heart” because she deliberately crossed her ts and this isn’t crossed.” ^ up

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